


Illegal cooperation with illegal YDU


Campaign of Action

Turkish Cypriot daily VATAN newspaper (06.03.07) reports that the illegal Near East University (YDU) has signed a protocol for cooperation, exchange of students at bachelors, masters and doctorate level and joint researches with the Pharmaceutical Faculties of the universities of Strathclyde and Cardiff. According to a statement issued yesterday by the YDU, the agreement was signed on 2 March. The three universities agreed also to organize an international congress on pharmaceutical issues in 2008.

Please protest to the Universities of Cardiff and Strathclyde

Replace Cardiff/Strathclyde with Cardiff or Strathclyde in the sample letter


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Dear Sir/Madam,


It has come to my attention that Cardiff/Strathclyde University and its School of Pharmacy have signed a cooperation agreement with the illegal so-called "Near East University" (YDU) which operates in occupied Cyprus in violation of the laws of the Republic of Cyprus, the EU and Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Turkey invaded Cyprus illegally in 1974 in violation of over 30 existing UN resolutions condemning its aggression and numerous acts of terror it had perpetrated over the previous decade against both Greek and Turkish Cypriots. Over 200,000 Greek Cypriots who made up 90% of the population were brutally raped, tortured, murdered and ethnically cleansed from 40% of Cyprus territory by the invading Turkish forces and have never been allowed to return to their land and homes since.
The puppet state which Turkey has set up in occupied Cyprus referred to as the so-called “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” has been declared "legally invalid" by the United Nations Security Council in resolutions 541(1983) and 550(1984) which also call upon all states not to assist this illegal entity in any way, therefore your cooperation agreement with the so-called "Near East University " which operates in violation of Cyprus, European Union and international law contrary to these resolutions is illegal.
The so-called “Near East University” operates illegally from buildings and lands which were stolen from Greek Cypriot owners who were brutally ethnically cleansed by Turkish forces in 1974 and have not been allowed to return in violation of numerous judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and over 100 resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly passed since the illegal Turkish invasion, including resolution 550(1984) which demand this property is returned to its original Greek Cypriot owners.
Under Cyprus and EU law the use or exploitation of land or property belonging to Greek Cypriots, without their permission is a criminal offence and now carries a seven year prison sentence and a heavy fine. The judgments of the Cyprus courts are enforceable in all EU member states and international arrest warrants can be issued for the arrest of anyone illegally using or exploiting Greek Cypriot property including students and faculty of Cardiff/Strathclyde University.
The only legal political entity on the island of Cyprus is the Republic of Cyprus, which is the legal government and represents all of the people on the island including both Greek and Turkish Cypriots and whose authority and jurisdiction extends to all parts of the island including the occupied areas. Under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus and the EU it is illegal to enter the island through any ports or airports in the areas illegally occupied by over 40,000 Turkish troops since 1974. All points of entry in the occupied areas have been declared closed by the government of Cyprus and anyone entering through them is responsible for committing a criminal offence, which is punishable by the Cyprus and EU courts with heavy fines and imprisonment. Since the illegal Erkan airport in occupied Cyprus is built illegally on land belonging to over 200 ethnically cleansed Greek Cypriots from the village of Tymbou anyone entering Cyprus through this airport is liable to arrest in any EU member state and can be sentenced to 7 years imprisonment. The illegal Erkan airport does not comply with international aviation agreements or standards and therefore its use puts passengers and civilians at risk.
Universities operating in the occupied part of Cyprus are not under effective control of the government of Cyprus. They have not been registered or accredited by the Ministry of Education and Culture and their academic accreditations and certificates are not recognised internationally. These so-called “universities” use properties which are owned by persons holding title under the law of the Republic of Cyprus and who have been unlawfully excluded from their property.

Over 90% of the students at the so-called “Near East University” have been transferred to occupied Cyprus by Turkey illegally in violation of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention which prohibits an occupying power from transferring any part of its civilian population to occupied territory.

In order to study in any part of Cyprus a visa is required by all non-EU nationals and a residence permit and student permit is required by everyone including EU nationals. These permits can only be granted for studies at institutions registered by the Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture. Since the so-called “Near East University” operates in occupied Cyprus in violation of international law it is not registered or accredited by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
By continuing its relationship with the so-called “Near East University,” Cardiff/Strathclyde University abets and perpetuates a blatant violation of international law as well as a transgression of basic human rights and supports war crimes, theft of property and ethnic cleansing. I therefore urge you to cancel your protocol for cooperation and publicly apologise to the people of Cyprus.
Yours faithfully,




Dear trustees, staff, faculty and students of Strathclyde and Cardiff,

I have learned that the universities of Strathclyde and Cardiff have signed agreements for exchange programs with institutions in the occupied part of Cyprus.

I am writing to urge the trustees, students, and faculty of your institution to terminate these program, which are in violation of Cyprus, European Union, and international law and provide encouragement and facilitate the ethnic cleansing and the oppression of freedom of the people of Cyprus by Turkey. In 1974 Turkey invaded Cyprus with US supplied arms and proceeded in a campaign of ethnic cleansing, mass murder and human rights violations, plundering and destruction of Christian churches and Cyprus’ cultural identity, and colonization with Turks from Turkey.

The population of the part of Cyprus now under Turkish occupation consisted of over 80% Christians before the invasion. Now only a few hundred remain. The ethnic cleansing and colonization program has resulted in more than twice as many Turks from Turkey than Turkish Cypriots in the occupied part of Cyprus, and an additional 40,000 Turkish occupation troops.

The United States imposed an arms embargo on Turkey because it used American supplied arms during the invasion and is continuing the occupation in violation of US law. The international community passed a number of UN resolutions including 353, 361, 365, 3212-XXIX, 367 which call for the immediate and unconditional removal of the Turkish troops and settlers from Cyprus, and the safe return of all refugees to their homes.

When the Turkish puppet regime of the occupied part of Cyprus decided to declare itself as a state, the UN passed resolutions 541 and 550 which state "the attempt to create a 'Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus', is invalid" and the UN "Calls upon all States to respect the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, unity and non-alignment of the Republic of Cyprus" and "Reiterates the call upon all States not to recognise the purported state of the 'Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus' set up by secessionist acts and calls upon them not to facilitate or in any way assist the aforesaid secessionist entity".

A number of landmark European Count of Justice cases reaffirmed that Turkey is still in violation of international law and article 49 of the Geneva Convention and ordered fines against Turkey because it is not abiding by international law.

Mr. Dan Fried, Assistant Secretary of the United State, stated ". . . let me stress to you unequivocally: we do not and will not recognize any government other than the Republic of Cyprus on the island of Cyprus. We are clear about this--none of our policies are aimed at or imply ‘creeping recognition’ of any other political entity. Cyprus is one country."

The institutions with which your universities may intent to sign agreements are illegally build and operate on occupied land that belongs to Cypriot refugees who are not allowed to return to their homes by Turkey. The vast majority of the students at these institutions are not from Cyprus. The intended exchange programs of your universities are therefore nothing less than an endorsement of the ethnic cleansing, colonization, human rights violations, and oppression of freedom of the Cypriots by Turkey.

Until Turkey complies with the UN resolutions and international law, activities which are contrary to the basic values and principles of the civilized world cannot be allowed to continue.

I urge you to proceed with exchange programs with universities in the free part of the Republic of Cyprus and encourage those in the occupied part of Cyprus to end the ethnic cleansing and colonization and work towards a reunited Cyprus.

Yours faithfully,



The land and property where this illegal university is located legally belongs to Greek Cypriot refugees who have been judged by the ECHR to still be the legal owners [Loizidou v. Turkey (European Court of Human Rights Application no. 15318/89), Cyprus v. Turkey, (ECHR Application no. 25781/94), Xenides-Arestis v. Turkey, (Application no. 46347/99)]

Anyone using or exploiting the land or property of Greek Cypriot refugees including US citizens may be tried in the Republic of Cyprus with judgments against them enforceable in any European State. (The Courts of the Republic of Cyprus have the power following the passing of a law on 17.3.2005 by the Cyprus House of Representatives with amends Article 281 of the Penal Code, as a result of which the crime of illegal occupation, cultivation, distribution or use of immovable property carries a prison sentence of up to two years or/and a fine of up to ₤5000 equal to 11,013.22 US dollars.)


Entering the occupied areas through ports and airports declared closed to traffic by the Cyprus government and residing in hotels in the occupied north constitute the following violations of Cyprus and international law.

1.- Violation of Cyprus laws which declare the use of all ports and airports
in the occupied areas illegal.

2.- Violation of Cyprus laws which prohibit the illegal exploitation of
refugees property which now carry a sentence of two years in prison.

3.- Violation of Cyprus laws of trespass

4.- Violation of the European Convention of Human Rights (Right to

6.- Violation of EU customs regulations which prohibit the use of the
illegal ports and airports.

7.- Illegal entry into the Republic of Cyprus.

8.- Illegal entry into the European Union.

9.- Illegal trade across EU borders.

10.- Encouraging the violation of Cyprus and EU laws through the promotion and use of illegal flights, and refugees property.

11.- Violation of the UN Resolutions 541(1983) and 550(1984)

12.- Violation of the Cyprus Flight Information Region.

13.- Illegal entry into Cyprus Air Space.

14.- Ignoring the Air Traffic Control Regulations.

15.- Flying without insurance.

16.- Illegal designation of an air flight.

A grieving mother holding photos of her missing son.
1600+ men, women and children still missing

Greek Cypriots taken prisoner and transported to Turkey.
up to 70,000 held hostage in concentration camps

A Greek Cypriot napalmed by the Turkish air-force.
5000+ massacred

Greek Cypriots subjected to humiliating and degrading treatment.
thousands raped and tortured
200,000 ethnically cleansed

Christian gave stones smashed by the Turks.
500+ churches desecrated or destroyed

The murder of Tasos Isaac.
murders of refugees continue to this day

The murder of Solomos Solomou.

© 2001/2007 HEC and Argyros Argyrou. Updated on 6 March 2007.