
Exchange program
with illegal university
Campaign of Protest
protests to Themis-SDSU@hec.Greece.org
where they will be forwarded to SDSU and other relevant bodies and
Dr. Stephen L. Weber,
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-8000
Telephone: 619.594.5201
Fax: 619.594.8894
Dear Dr. Stephen L. Weber,
It has come to my attention that a group of 20-22 students from San Diego
State University will participate on a six-week exchange program organized
by the so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University” located in occupied
Famagusta in the areas of Cyprus which have been under illegal Turkish
military occupation for the past 32 years. The group will arrive in occupied
Cyprus on July 8, 2006 and remain there for six weeks as a part of a
memorandum of cooperation with the so-called illegal “Eastern Mediterranean
University.” Ms. Stacey Sinclair, interim director of the University Honors
program at San Diego State University, will lead this group of students to
the so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University.”
Turkey invaded Cyprus
illegally in 1974 in violation of over 30 existing UN resolutions condemning
its aggression and numerous acts of terror it had perpetrated over the
previous decade against both Greek and Turkish Cypriots. Over 200,000 Greek
Cypriots who made up 90% of the population were brutally raped, tortured,
murdered and ethnically cleansed from 40% of Cyprus territory by the
invading Turkish forces and have never been allowed to return to their land
and homes since.
The puppet state which
Turkey has set up in occupied Cyprus referred to as the so-called “Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus” has been declared "legally invalid"
by the United Nations Security Council in resolutions 541(1983) and
550(1984) which also call upon all states not to assist this illegal entity
in any way, therefore your memorandum of cooperation with the so-called
"Eastern Mediterranean University" which operates in violation of
Cyprus and European Union law and contrary to these resolutions is illegal.
The so-called “Eastern
Mediterranean University” operates illegally from buildings and lands which
were stolen from Greek Cypriot owners who were brutally ethnically cleansed
by Turkish forces in 1974 and have not been allowed to return in violation
of numerous judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and over 100
resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly passed since
the illegal Turkish invasion, including resolution 550(1984) which demand
this property is returned to its original Greek Cypriot owners. This land
and property was formerly the Center for Higher Studies of Ammochostos
(known as Saveriades K.L.S.L. College) and its legal owners have applied to
the European Court of Human Rights for it to be returned (Saveriades v.
Turkey, Case16160/90).
Under Cyprus and EU law
the use or exploitation of land or property belonging to Greek Cypriots,
without their permission is a criminal offence and carries a two-year
prison sentence and a heavy fine. The judgments of the Cyprus courts are
enforceable in all EU member states and international arrest warrants can
be issued for the arrest of anyone illegally using or exploiting Greek
Cypriot property including students of San Diego State University.
The only legal political
entity on the island of Cyprus is the Republic of Cyprus, which is the
legal government and represents all of the people on the island including
both Greek and Turkish Cypriots and whose authority and jurisdiction
extends to all parts of the island including the occupied areas. Under the
laws of the Republic of Cyprus and the EU it is illegal to enter the island
through any ports or airports in the areas illegally occupied by over 40,000
Turkish troops since 1974. All points of entry in the occupied areas have
been declared closed by the government of Cyprus and anyone entering
through them is responsible for committing a criminal offence, which is
punishable by the Cyprus and EU courts. Since the illegal Erkan airport in
occupied Cyprus is built illegally on land belonging to over 200 ethnically
cleansed Greek Cypriots from the village of Tymbou anyone entering Cyprus
through this airport is liable to arrest in any EU member state and can be
sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.
Universities operating in
the occupied part of Cyprus are not under effective control of the
government of Cyprus. They have not been registered or accredited by the
Ministry of Education and Culture and their academic accreditations and
certificates are not recognised internationally. These so-called
“universities” use properties which are owned by persons holding title
under the law of the Republic of Cyprus and who have been unlawfully
excluded from their property.
By continuing its
relationship with the so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University,” San
Diego State University abets and perpetuates a blatant violation of
international law as well as a transgression of basic human rights. I
therefore urge you to cancel this delegation trip and memorandum of
cooperation and publicly apologise to the people of Cyprus.
Yours faithfully,
cc. Alan Sweedler, Office of International Programs

1600+ men, women and children
still missing

up to 70,000 held hostage in concentration camps

5000+ massacred

thousands raped and tortured
200,000 ethnically cleansed

500+ churches desecrated or destroyed

murders of refugees continue to this day
