A columnist of "Kibrisli" says he will castrate those who talk about the occupation in the northern part of Cyprus!
"Avrupa" (26.10.01) warns the so -called police and the "attorney general's" office to turn his attention on the columnist of "Kibrisli", Erhan Arikli, who has threatened that he would castrate those who support that the northern part of Cyprus is under the occupation of the Turkish army since 1974. In his editorial in 'KIBRISLI yesterday Mr. Arikli writes, among other things, the following:
".They want this order of things to continue, because they are nourished by this situation. They criticize the mistakes of this order of things and they accuse the Motherland as the only responsible for it. The only solution they think is to demolish the state and help the Greek Cypriots at any cost. The biggest propaganda they make is to deface the Turkish army calling it 'occupation army'.
If you knew what I could give to put under captivity these people who every day call the Turkish army 'occupation army', call the Motherland Turkey 'occupier' and call for co-operation to save ourselves from the occupation'. If you knew what I could give to say to these rented minds 'yes, there is occupation and you are my slave'. I would have forced them every day to wash my feet and when I am bored I would slap them. I would not use an ashtray to put out my cigarette. I would say 'Hey you, take out your tongue'. I would not search for a sandbag for training in the morning. I would beat them until I was tired, just for pleasure. At night before I go to bed I would ask them if they vowed not to say such things again and as long as their answer was negative I would constrict the collar on their neck and make the tortures a little harder. When I got bored with the tortures I would castrate the fellows. After that I would send them to the soldiers they call 'occupation army' and tell the soldiers to do the things that they know. .".
Erhan Arikli wanted by Interpol
"Avrupa" (27.10.01) reports that Erhan Arikli, columnist of "Kibrisli", who wrote that those who speak against the Turkish army must be tortured and castrated, is one of the six persons who are wanted by Interpol for the murder of the Greek Cypriot Tassos Isaak on 11 August 1996 during the incidents in the buffer zone, near Derynia village.
Commenting on the issue, Ali Osman of "Avrupa" (27.10.01) writes, among other things, the following: ".Erhan Arikli lived for years in Azerbaijan. It is obvious why he has gone there. He is a soldier of Pan- Islamism and Pan - Turkism who is in love with the Turkic world, like Denktas.".
Meanwhile, Asaf Ertac of "Kibrisli" (27.10.01) argues that Mr Arikli should have treated those who talk against Turkey and its occupation army in the northern part of Cyprus in more hard manner.